Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sparavalo Family

I love taking pics of this adorable family and I LOVE that they're growing by one!  What lucky little girl they'll have. 


Thank you, Sparavlos!  Can't wait to add a sweet baby girl to the mix!  

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Phoebe's Senior Portraits

PJ is just so stunning & so easy going that her senior pictures were a piece of cake- we had a blast, she smiled & I snapped.  We started nearby at my favorite wall and walked around the neighborhood.

Then we went down to a nearby park- I just love those wildflowers!

Then we headed to some of my favorite murals.  Isn't PJ a natural?

(I made her do this.  Sorry, PJ!)

A quick detour under this viaduct before we headed back to the murals.  What a stunner!

Thanks for being such a  gorgeous model, PJ!